Thursday, 30 September 2021

SAINIK SCHOOL ADMISSION 2022-2023 Apply Online here


Sainik School Admission 2022-23: AISSEE 2022 

यहाँ करे आवेदन

 शिक्षा मंत्रालय (एमओई), भारत सरकार (जीओआई) ने राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण एजेंसी (एनटीए) को एक स्वतंत्र स्वायत्त और आत्मनिर्भर प्रमुख परीक्षा संगठन के रूप में सोसायटी पंजीकरण अधिनियम, 1860 के तहत कुशल, पारदर्शी और अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानकों की परीक्षा आयोजित करने के लिए स्थापित किया है। प्रमुख उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों में प्रवेश के लिए उम्मीदवारों की योग्यता का आकलन करने के आदेश देती है !

All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam 2022: Sainik Schools are managed by Sainik Schools Socity under Ministry of Defence. Get Sainik School Admission 2022-23 Application Form and notification on our website. All Sainik Schools are affiliated with CBSE – Central Board of Secondary Education and these schools are follow the exam pattern, syllabus, rules and regulations of CBSE. In 1961, Sainik Schools were conceived by the VK Krishna Menon which was the Defence Minister of India at that time. Total 34* schools are covering the all states of our country at present time.

सैनिक स्कूल सोसायटी (एसएसएस) रक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तहत एक स्वायत्त संगठन है। सोसायटी सैनिक स्कूल चलाती है। सैनिक स्कूल केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (सीबीएसई) से संबद्ध अंग्रेजी माध्यम के आवासीय विद्यालय हैं। सैनिक स्कूल अधिकारियों के लिए राष्ट्रीय रक्षा अकादमी (एनडीए), खडकवासला (पुणे), भारतीय नौसेना अकादमी, एझिमाला और अन्य प्रशिक्षण अकादमियों में शामिल होने के लिए कैडेट तैयार करते हैं। वर्तमान में देश भर में कुल 33 सैनिक स्कूल हैं।
AISSEE Sainik School Admission 2022-2023 (Available)

The All India Sainik Schools Admission Notification 2022 released on 27 September 2021 (Official Date). Candidates will be able to Apply through Online before to closing date i.e. 26 October, 2021. Other details are available now. Visit the following links and get the details. AISSEE- All India Sainik School Entrance Exam 2022 is to be conducted on 09 January, 2022

सैनिक स्कूल प्रवेश परीक्षा 2022 के लिए अधिसूचना 27 सितम्बर को जारी की जा चुकी है। AISSEE 2022 प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए पंजीकरण 27 सितम्बर 2021 शुरू होंगे और एडमिशन फॉर्म 26 अक्टूबर 2021 तक प्राप्त किये जा सकेंगे। आधिकारिक तारीखों का ऐलान हो चूका है।
Click here for Online Apply
Aspirants who are seeking for Admission in Sainik Schools for academic year 2022-2023, here is good news for them. Because Sainik Schools Entrance Exam 2022 latest updates are available here on this page. Sainik Schools are manged and regulated under Sainik Schools Society which has controlled by Ministry of Defence.

सैनिक स्कूल छठी और नौवीं कक्षा के स्तर पर प्रवेश प्रदान करते हैं। प्रवेश अखिल भारतीय सैनिक स्कूल प्रवेश परीक्षा (AISSEE) में उम्मीदवारों के प्रदर्शन पर आधारित है।
In Sainik Schools seats are reserved for those children who are serving in Defence and concessions are given to children of govt officials. Sainik Schools Society also provide the admission to children which parents has no defence background. They can also take the admission in Sainik Schools.

Last Year 2021, The AISSEE 2020 Entrance Test conducted on 07 February 2021. In Year 2020 exam was conducted on 05 January 2020. In Year 2019, All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam 2019 was conducted on 06 January 2019. For next year 2022, AISSEE 2021 will be held on 09 January 2022. Candidates need to submit their application form in the Sainik School where they want to take admission before the last date. Starting date and closing date to submit the application form from September-October 2021.

Sainik School Entrance Exam Medium/ Language:
Class 6 – English/ Hindi/ Local Language of the State
Class 9 – English Language Only
Sainik School Admission 2022 Eligibility Criteria:
Age Limit : Age Limit criteria for admission in Sainik School
Class 6 – 10 to 12 years {01 April 2010 to 31 March 2012}
Class 9 – 13 to 15 years {1 April 2007 to 31 March 2009}
As on 31 March, 2022
Boys candidates are eligible to take admission in Sainik School all over India. But good news is available for Girls Students, can take admission in Class 6 only.
Sainik School Application Fees 2022
Candidates who belongs to General/ OBC and Defence Category: Rs.550/-
For SC/ST Category Candidates – Rs.400/-
Mode of Fee Payment – Online Mode.
Documents Required for Sainik School Admission 2022 Application Form
Caste Certificate Photocopy who belongs to SC/ST Reserved Category
Date of Birth Certificate attested photocopy
Permanent Residential Domicile Certificate from SDO/ADM/DM
For Serving Defence Personnel Case – A Serving Certificate from the OC of the Unit where the parent is serving at present time.
For Ex-Serviceman Case – A Discharge Certificate copy duly attested by any Gazetted Officer.
List of documents may be different for different Sainik Schools. So, please check the details carefully before to submit and send the application form with attaching required documents.

Click here for Online Apply

Important Dates of Sainik School Admission 2022 (Official)
Sale of Prospectus Cum Application Form: Started from 27 September 2021
Last Date to Online Apply 26 October 2021
Issue of Admit Card: 3rd week of December, 2021
AISSEE 2020 Exam Date – 09 January, 2022
Result Announcement Date – February, 2022
Note: Official Schedule has been confirmed now. Best of luck for entrance exam and visit the above links to get the school wise admission link and further details.
All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam named as AISSEE in Short which conducted all over India to provide admission in Sainik Schools. Aspirants can take the admission in Class 6 and Class 9 after qualify the AISSEE 2022 Entrance Exam. List of seats in these sainik schools also available at the link provided in the table.

Seat Reservations in Sainik School 2022
State Quota – State quota is 67% where the school is located. These seats are reserved for the boys of that State.
Open Category – Remained 33% seats are open to boys from all other states and Union Territories. For the Sons of service personnel including Ex-serviceman only 25% seats are reserved, while 15 percent seats are reserved for SC Category and ST Category seat reservation percentage is 7.5% only.

1.  Sainik School Ambikapur
2. Sainik School Bhubaneswar Odisha
3. Sainik School Satara Maharashtra
4. Sainik School Rewa Madhya Pradesh
5. Sainik School Nalanda Bihar
6. Sainik School Gopalganj Bihar
7. Sainik School Amaravathinagar Tamil Nadu
8. Sainik School Kunjpura Haryana
9. Sainik School Rewari Haryana
10. Sainik School Goalpara Assam
11. Sainik School Bijapur Karnataka
12. Sainik School Imphal Manipur
13. Sainik School Punglwa Nagaland
14. Sainik School Nagrota Jammu & Kashmir
15. Sainik School Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
16. Sainik School Jhansi Uttar Pradesh
17. Sainik School Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh
18. Sainik School Chandrapur Maharashtra
19. Sainik School Kodagu Karnataka
20. Sainik School Tilaiya Jharkhand
21. Sainik School Chittorgarh Rajasthan
22. Sainik School Sujanpur Tira Himachal Pradesh
23. Sainik School Ghorakhal Uttarakhand
24. Sainik School Kazhakootam Kerala
25. Sainik School Korukonda Andhra Pradesh
26. Sainik School Kalikiri Andhra Pradesh
27. Sainik School Purulia West Bengal
28. Sainik School Balachadi Gujarat
29. Sainik School Kapurthala Punjab
30. Sainik School Chhingachhip Mizoram
31. Sainik School Kittur Karnataka
32. Sainik School Jhunjhunu Rajasthan
33. Sainik School East Siang Arunachal Pradesh
34. Sainik School Amethi Uttar Pradesh

Sainik Schools Admission Contact Details:
NTA Helpline Numbers- 0120 6895200, 8287471852, 8178359845, 9650173668, 9599676953, 8882356803.

These are official help line numbers. For any query you can call these numbers.
Sainik Schools Entrance Exam 2022 Exam Pattern/Syllabus:
We have mentioned the detailed syllabus and exam pattern for All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam 2022 on our website. Visit the following links to get the syllabus and exam pattern for both 06th and 09th classes.
Students who have a dream to get admission in Sainik Schools, they want to start their preparation for AISSEE 2022 entrance test. So you can get the Exam Guides, Study Material and books to prepare for Sainik School Entrance Exam Admission. You can also purchase the books for home by order it online.

Sainik School Admission 2022 Frequently Asked Questions –

Question 1: How is the admission made to the Sainik schools?
Answer: The admission at all sainik schools will be made strictly as per the merit list prepared on the basis of AISSEE entrance examination, interview and medical fitness test.

Question 2: When the entrance exam conduct for Sainik School Admission?
Answer: The entrance exam will be held on First Sunday of every January month. AISSEE 2022 Exam Date is 09 January 2022.

Question 3: What is the medium of AISSEE Entrance Examination?
Answer: The medium of entrance examination for both Classes (6th and 9th) will be English or another recognized official language.
For Class VI – English as well as regional recognized official language.
For Class IX – Question paper will be available in only English Language.

Question 4: To which board Sainik Schools are affiliated to?
Answer: All sainik schools are affiliated to CBSE – Central Board of Secondary Education.

Question 5 : Is the written exam only the qualifying exam?
Answer: No, after qualify the written entrance test, student will have to appear for interview and medial fitness tests.

Question 6: What should be the age of entry in to Sainik Schools?
Answer: Student age should be as per the AISSEE Admission Norms. Check Class VI and IX admission age limit details at below –
For Class VI – 10 to 12 years {01 April 2010 to 31 March 2012}
For Class IX – 13 to 15 years {1 April 2007 to 31 March 2009}
As on 31 March, 2022
This age limit is applicable for academic year 2022-23 admission at Sainik Schools.

Question 6: Are girls allowed for admission at Sainik Schools?
Answer: Yes, girls students can take admission in Class 6 after qualify the entrance test, interview and medical test.

Disclaimer: The information, link and material provided on this website [] just for reference purpose. Please refer the official websites for extract the details. For more information about Disclaimer Policies Check Here.
* Read this also for more information
* Provident fund under establishment rule
Dharm aur kanyaman
* Descipline and Appeal Rule under establishment rule

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Establishment Rule Chapter 8 :- Provident fund, Bonus, insurance

Provident fund, Bonus, insurance

Provident Fund is governed by the Provident Act, 1925 and it means that a fund in which the subscriptions of the employees are deposited against their accounts including interest accruing thereon. 

भविष्य निधि भविष्य निधि अधिनियम, १९२५ द्वारा शासित है और इसका अर्थ है कि एक  वैसा निधि जिसमें कर्मचारियों के अंशदान को उनके खातों में जमा किया जाता है, जिसमें उस पर अर्जित ब्याज भी शामिल है। भविष्य निधि एक अनिवार्य, सरकार द्वारा प्रबंधित सेवानिवृत्ति बचत योजना है !

In Railway there are two categories of funds, viz.-

(a) State Railway Provident Fund 'Contributory'

(b) State Railway Provident Fund 'Non-contributory'.

* State Railway Provident Fund 'Contributory is applicable to all railway employees those were appointed prior to 16.11.57 and not opted for Pension scheme and also those who are in service as on 1.1.1986 and have opted out of pension scheme. 

* State Railway Provident Fund 'Non-contributory'.

(i)Non-pensionable Railway employees who were in service on 15.11.1957 and who elect to come on pension scheme. 

(ii)Persons entering railway service on or after 16.11.1957 except those whose terms of

appointment provided to the contrary; and

(iii)CPF beneficiaries in service on 1.1.1986 should be demand to have come over to

pension scheme on that date, unless they specifically opt out to continue under CPF scheme.

* All railway employees except those who are re-employed after final retirement, shall

subscribe to the fund, in accordance with the rules, from the first of the month following that

in which they complete one year's continuous service, or from the date of confirmation

whichever is earlier.

With effect from 1.3.1992, the amount of subscriber's emoluments for that month in

the case of SRF (Non-contributory) Staff and 10% i.e. one tenth o the subscriber's emoluments in the case of SRPF (Contributory) Staff. 

* Government Contribution : 

In the Provident Fund account of staff governed by State Railway Provident Fund

'Contributory ', at the end of each half year, that is on 31st March and 30th September, acontribution will be made from revenue which shall be equal to subscription paid by the

subscriber, shall be credited, on his being confirmed with retrospective effect. Such

contribution is known as government contribution, or Bonus. 

* Voluntary Contribution (VPF):

All compulsory subscribers may subscribe voluntary to the State Railway Provident Fund

at time during the financial year at fixed rates in whole rupees subject to the condition that

the rates so fixed shall not exceed the emoluments after making necessary deductions due to Government. This amount of such subscription will be in addition to the normal subscription payable in the case of compulsory subscribers. This subscription may be reduced once at any time during the course of the year, enhanced twice during the course of the year or reduced and enhanced as said. 

* Interest:

An interest shall be paid to the credit of the account of a subscriber at the rate as may

be determined for each year according to the method of calculation prescribed from time by

the President, it shall be credited with effect from 31st March of each year in the following

* manner:

a) On the amount at the credit of a subscriber on the 31st March of the preceding year, less an amount withdrawn during the current year interest for twelve months;

b) On sums withdrawn during the current year, interest from the is April of the

current year up to the last day of the month preceding the month of withdrawal;

c) On sums withdrawn during the current year (ninety- percent withdrawal) interest

from 1st April of the current year up to date of tender of payment;

d) On sums credited to the subscriber's account after 31st March of preceding year-

interest from the date of deposit up to the 31st March of the current year; and

e) Interest on the Arrears or Provident Fund Subscription Credited to the P.F.

 * interest on fund balance beyond a period of 6 month may be authorised by FA & CAO up to a period of one year and the General Manager up to a period. 

* Incentive Bonus:

Under the incentive scheme, any subscriber to State Railway Provident Fund who has not

withdrawn any amount from his provident fund account during the preceding three years

shall be entire balance (including voluntary PF) at his credit on the last day of the year. The

balance on which bonus is to be calculated is the balance on the last day of the last year of the three year period after crediting interest for the said last year. In case of those governed by

* Deposit Link Insurance Scheme:

This scheme was introduced to provide social security to the families of Railway

employees while death in service (if death occurred after 8.1.1975) which provide an

insurance cover to the subscriber without payment of any premium. This scheme is applicable to all Railway employees irrespective of fact whether SRPF optee or pension optee. 

On the death of a subscriber to SRPF, the person entitled to receive the amount standing

to the credit of the average balance in the account during the three years immediately

preceding the death of such subscriber subject to a maximum of Rs.60,000.

Provided that the subscriber has put in at least 5 years' service at the time of his/her death.

The average balance shall be worked out on the basis of the balance at the credit of the

subscriber at the end of each of the 36 months preceding the month in which the death occurs.

[R.B's No.(W)WEL-23 dated 18.4.1990]

i)The benefit can be given to member of the family only by R.B's No.(E) 76 WE 1-14 of


ii) The amount of Deposit Link Insurance Benefit is also payable to the nominated major

son without insisting on the provision of para 943

(ii) R-1 after duly satisfying about the bona fides of claimant.

iii) Additional benefit under DLI scheme, does not enjoy immunity from court


iv) DLI should be treated as insurance money so far income tax is concerned and is not to

be treated at par with SC to PF. It means it is not taxable.

v) Government dues can be recovered from Government contribution hence Govt. dues

can be recovered from this additional benefit.

[R.B's No.E(W)75 WEI-1 dt.21.7.1976]

vi) Payment of DLI to the family of missing subscriber shall be made only after a lapse of

7 years. In case under facts and circumstances there is sufficient proof of death, the payment may not be delayed.

[R.B's No.E(W)97/WE-1-13 of 1.4.98]

vii) Suicide shall be considered and treated as death the benefit of DLI shall be accorded

to the successor of the deceased.

[R.B's No.E(W)97WE-I-13 of 1.4.98]

* Special Contribution to Provident Fund (SC to PF):

This amount is paid at the discretion of Government as a reward for good, efficient and faithful service to permanent non- pensionable Railway employees and it cannot be claimed

as a right. Hence it is not admissible to the railway employees who have been dismissed or removed by reason of any misconduct. When retirement is due permanent physical or mental incapacity or abolition of appointment if other suitable appointment cannot be found for him,then the controlling office may order the payment of Special Contribution to PF without recording the certificate of good, efficient and faithful service.

* In the event of death of Railway employee, it is payable to widow/widows/widower or

dependent children, parents, brothers and sisters. In case of minor or lunatic for whom a natural guardian is not available and Guardian under the Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 or a manager under the Indian Lunacy Act. 1912, has been appointed, the payment shall be made to a person, authorised by law to receive the payment on behalf of minor or lunatic. The person who has produced guardianship certificate has to execute an indemnity bond signed by two sureties agreeing to indemnify the Railway against any subsequent which might arise. 

The Special Contribution of PF is calculated at half a month's salary for each completed

year of service subject to a maximum of 16 1/2 month’s pay.

I f the service falls short of 15 years it shall be paid on the above rates subject to a

maximum of six month’s pay.

If the subscriber dies while in service, the controlling officer may, in addition to

contribution by Govt., direct a special contribution to be made to the subscriber's PF account in the manner prescribed above as if the subscriber had, on the date of his/her death service on retirement on account of permanent incapacity provided that the special contribution so credited shall not be less than the following. 

a) If subscriber had not The amount by which completed one years. Government contribution service along with interest at his  credit falls short of two  months' pay. 

b)Completed one year The amount by which

 but not 5 year's Govt. contribution service. along with interest at his credit falls short  

 of six months' pay.

c)Completed 5 years Twelve months' pay

 or more.

* Payment of P.F. dues and Special Contribution to P.F. :

1. Own and Government Contribution -

Normally the amount standing at the credit of subscriber is payable in accordance with

nomination executed. Where no nomination subsists the amount should be paid :-

a) In equal share to surviving wife/wives and children to the deceased sons who are

members of the family of deceased subscriber.

b) Sons and sons of deceased sons who have attained legal majority and married

daughters a married daughter of the deceased sons whose husbands are alive are

not entitled for any share. One share of the pre-deceased son would be paid in

equal shares to his wife and children.

c) In case where the only survivors are the major sons or married daughters then

both of them would be paid in equal shares subject to production of legal


d) In case posthumous child is brought to the notice, his share would be retained and if child is born alive, the payment would be arranged to him as in case of minor child,

otherwise his share would be distributed equally to others,

e) In the absence of valid nomination if no member of the family survives then the

amount due could be paid to a person:

Read this also for more information

* DISCIPLINE AND APPEALRULES under establishment rule

* Working hours and pass rule in indian railway

* Different-railway-Allowances

*Allowance-under-establishment-rule Part 1

* How-to-encash-your-leave

* Railway Leave Rules

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

धर्म और कन्यामान

कन्यादान की व्याख्या

19 साल की अमृता (एमी) जिसका अभी अभी कॉलेज में एडमिशन हुआ है, उसने टीवी पर चल रहे आलिया भट्ट के New Add वाद विवाद को देखते हुए अपने पापा से पूछा "व्हाट्स रॉन्ग विद दिस ऐड पापा? व्हाय ऑल द हिंदूस आर अगेंस्ट दिस ऐड? आलिया इज़ राइट, डॉटर्स आर नॉट वन्स पर्सनल ऐसेट्स, एनी वन कैन डोनेट देम। डॉटर्स आर लव सो कन्यादान इस रॉन्ग एंड कन्यामान इस राइट।

अपनी जिंदगी के लगभग पैंतालीस बसंत देख चुके बसंतराम जी ने गहरी सांस छोड़ी। टीवी का रिमोट उठाकर उसकी आवाज़ को म्यूट किया और अपनी बेटी की तरफ मुड़े। थोड़ी देर तक उसे अपने मोबाइल फोन में फेसबुक की पोस्ट्स पर आलिया को सपोर्ट करते हुए पोस्ट करते हुए देखते रहे फिर मुस्कुराते हुए उसके सर पर हाथ फेरा। एमी ने उनकी तरफ देखा और कहा व्हाट हैपेंड डैड?

बसंतराम जी ने कहा "पिछले हफ्ते जब तेरी मां ने तेरे लिए साड़ी ली थी तो लगा तू कितनी बड़ी हो गई लेकिन आज तेरी बातें सुनकर पता चला तू तो अभी भी वैसी ही छोटी सी है जैसी बचपन में हुआ करती थी। तुझे पता है, तुझे मेले में जाना इतना पसंद था कि कोई अगर झूठ भी ये कह दे कि मैं मेला जा रहा हूं तो तू उसके साथ चल पड़ती थी चाहे तू उसे जानती हो या ना हो। रात में जलते रंग बिरंगे नाइटबल्ब को देखकर भी तू यही कहती थी कि मेला शुरु हो गया है।

एमी ने मुंह बनाते हुए कहा "व्हाट डैड!" बसंतराम जी ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा "तू अब भी झूठी चकाचौंध देखकर आकर्षित हो जाती है।" एमी ने प्रश्नवाचक दृष्टि से अपने पिता की ओर देखा तो उन्होंने कहा "तुझे पता है 'अमृता', 'मान' किसे कहते हैं?" एमी ने तुरंत अपने फोन में गूगल खोलते हुए कहा "होल्ड ऑन डैड, आई विल टेल यू।

उसके पिताजी ने फोन की स्क्रीन पर हाथ रखते हुए कहा गूगल पर मतलब ढूंढेगी तो बताएंगे किसी वस्तु का नाप लेकिन इसका एक अर्थ और होता है। मान, मतलब आदर, इज्ज़त, सम्मान। कन्यामान, इस शब्द को तुम आज के बच्चे हैशटैग लगाकर जो प्रसिद्ध कर रहे हो, ये तुम्हारे लिए नया होगा। इसके पीछे के जिस भाव को तुम दर्शाना चाह रहे हो वो तुम लोगों के लिए नए हैं। हम और हमारी पहले की असंख्य पीढियां कन्या के मान और सम्मान के लिए हमेशा से प्रतिबद्ध रही हैं।

उन्होंने बोलना जारी रखा ,इतिहास के पन्ने पलटकर देखो जरा अमृता, कन्या का जो स्थान हमारे सनातन धर्म में है वो शायद ही किसी अन्य धर्म में होगा। हम कन्याओं को पूजते हैं, हमने उन्हें देवी का पद दिया है तो तुम्हें क्या लगता है कि हम उनका मान नहीं करेंगे? हम तो खुद उन्हीं के जने हुए हैं, हमारी क्या औकात की हम उन्हें कुछ दें, हमारा जीवन तो खुद हमें उन्हीं की दी हुई भेंट है और तुम्हें लगता है उन्हीं के दिए हुए जीवन में हम उन्हें मान दिए बिना ही जीवित हैं। 

अमृता ने कहा "बट डैड..." बसंतराम जी ने उसकी बात काटते हुए कहा "ये जो तुम आज मेरे सामने जींस पहनकर बैठी हो, हाथ में महंगा फोन और अनलिमिटेड इंटरनेट का लुत्फ उठा रही हो, अपनी मर्ज़ी के हिसाब से खा पी रही हो, पहन ओढ़ रही हो, घूमने जा रही हो, दोस्त बना रही हो, अपने विचार मेरे सामने, समाज के सामने रख रही हो, अच्छे खासे अमृता नाम को भूलकर एमी नाम रखकर घूम रही हो, ये सब मान ही है जो हम तुम्हें देते हैं क्योंकि तुम हमारी बेटी ही नहीं, एक कन्या भी हो। बचपन में नवरात्रि के दिनों में हमने तुम्हारी पूजा की है, तुम्हें साक्षात देवी मानकर, तुम्हारे पैर छुए हैं, पूरी श्रद्धा और आस्था के साथ, और आज तुम और तुम्हारे जैसी नई पीढ़ी के बच्चे हमें सिखा रहे हैं कि हमें कन्या का मान करना चाहिए।

अब उनकी आवाज थोड़ी ऊंची हो गई "एक बार उन मजहब वालों के समाज में, उनके देशों में जाकर देखो, वहां कन्याओं की क्या स्थिति है? वहां अपनी मर्जी से घूमना फिरना, पहनना छोड़ो अपनी मर्जी से खा भी नहीं सकती वो कन्याएं जिन्हें वहां के लोग खा तून कहते हैं। इस शब्द का मतलब समझती हो, क्यों उन्हें वहां खा तून कहते हैं? खा तून मतलब खाओ और तुनक जाओ। वहां स्त्रियों को सिर्फ और सिर्फ भोगा जाता है और यहां स्त्रियों को भजा जाता है। और अगर तुम्हें ये सब आज के भारत में दिख रहा है तो ये जहर भी उन्हीं मजहबी लोगों का फैलाया हुआ है। एक बार तुम अगर अपनी आंखों से वो सब देख लोगी ना तो तुम्हें कन्यामान का सही अर्थ पता लग जायेगा और मैं तो हैरान हूं कि अफगानिस्तान की स्थिति देखने के बाद भी तुम कैसे ये कह सकती हो।

बसंतराम जी चुप हो गए। अमृता ने भी कुछ नहीं कहा। थोड़ी देर बाद वो बोले "बेटा कन्यादान का अर्थ ये नहीं कि हम अपनी बेटी किसी और को दे रहे हैं क्योंकि अब हम उसकी परवरिश नहीं कर सकते या उसके खर्चे नहीं उठा सकते। अरे जिस मां बाप ने कन्या को जन्म दिया वो जीवनभर उसका पालन पोषण कर सकते हैं लेकिन कन्यादान करने के पीछे समाज का एक बहुत बड़ा हित छुपा होता है। कन्यादान, अग्नि को साक्षी मानकर, सभी देवी देवताओं का आह्वान कर के, अपनी कन्या को एक योग्य वर के हाथों में सौंपने का प्रण होता है ताकि वो कन्या एक नए परिवार में जाकर एक नई पीढ़ी के निर्माण की सृजना बन सके। एक ऐसे समाज का निर्माण कर सके जहां प्रेम, वात्सल्य और सम्मान हो और वर भी उसका वरण पूरे मनोयोग से करता है और वचन देता है कि जो स्त्री अपनी जननी और जन्मभूमि को त्याग कर, बिना किसी स्वार्थ के, परमार्थ की इच्छा से केवल समाज के हित के लिए उसके पास आ रही है वो उसका आजीवन भरण, पोषण और रक्षा करेगा।

कन्यादान की ये व्याख्या सुनकर अमृता तो हैरान ही हो गई। उसने कहा "सॉरी डैड, मुझे तो ये सब पता ही नहीं था। अच्छा आप ये सब दुबारा एक्सप्लेन करोगे क्या, वो मेरा फ्रेंड है ना आरिफ़, उसे बताना है कि कन्यादान की ये वैल्यू होती है। वो अक्सर कहता है कि तुम हिंदुओं के रीति रिवाज बहुत...

 अरे वो होता कौन है हमारे रीति रिवाजों पर उंगली उठाने वाला???" अमृता की बात पूरी सुने बिना ही बसंतराम जी गरज पड़े "किसने हक दिया उसे कि वो हमसे प्रश्न करे हमारे रीति रिवाजों को लेकर वो भी तब जब वो उत्तर सुनने के लायक भी नहीं!!! किसने अधिकार दिया उसे कि वो हमारे धर्म, हमारे धार्मिक स्थान, हमारे संस्कार, हमारे रीति रिवाजों के बारे में टिप्पणी करे? आखिर किसने??

अमृता के मुंह से टूटे फूटे से बोल निकले "वो मैं... बस....

"अमृता" बसंतराम जी बोले "जब वो आरिफ तुमसे तुम्हारे सनातन धर्म के बारे में सवाल करता है तो तुम चुप हो जाती हो, जब वो हमारे धार्मिक स्थानों के बारे में उल्टा सीधा कहता है तो तुम उसे जवाब नहीं देती, जब वो हमारे रीति रिवाजों पर उंगली उठाता है तुम उसी का साथ देती हो। कभी तुमने उस से पलटकर उसके मजहब के बारे में सवाल किया है? कभी उस से पूछा है कि हलाला क्यों किया जाता है? कभी जानने की कोशिश की है कि वो तीन तलाक के फैसले का इतना विरोध क्यों कर रहे थे? अरे ये ऐसे लोग हैं अमृता कि अगर इनका अपना स्वार्थ ना हो ना तो ये स्त्रियों को पानी तक न पीने दें। ऐसे लोगों को क्या हक है कि हमारे धर्म, हमारे रीति रिवाजों, हमारे कन्यादान जैसे तप पर सवाल उठाएं।

"अमृता, मैंने तुम्हें बचपन से सिखाया है कि जब तक कोई काम तुम खुद अच्छे से करना ना सीख लो तब तक दूसरों को उसके बारे में ज्ञान न दो। जिस नैतिकता का पाठ ये लोग हमें पढ़ाने की कोशिश करते हैं, इनका खुद उस से दूर दूर तक कोई संबंध नहीं इसलिए ऐसे लोगों के फालतू सवालों का या तो मुंह तोड़ जवाब दो या इनका मुंह ही तोड़ दो लेकिन अपने सनातन पर कभी किसी को उंगली मत उठाने दो। यही हमारा सच्चा धर्म है।

अमृता पिताजी की बातों से काफी प्रभावित हुई। उसने उन्हें वचन दिया कि आज के बाद वो खुद भी अपने धर्म के बारे में जानेगी और दूसरों को भी उसके बारे में बताएगी। तभी मां ने आवाज लगाई "आ जाओ, खाना खा लो सब।" बसंतराम जी ने कहा "चलें एमी?" अमृता ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा एमी नहीं, अमृता।


शालिनी रोहितरा जी की फेसबुक वॉल से कॉपी पेस्ट 💐

👇इसे भी पढ़ें👇

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Monday, 27 September 2021

पिंजौरा पंचायत से रामानंद यादव जीते बधाइयों का सिलसिला जारी


पिंजौरा पंचायत से रामानंद यादव जीते बधाइयों का सिलसिला जारी !

बिहार के जहानाबाद जिले में कुल 93 पंचायत है बिहार निर्वाचन आयोग के द्वारा कराए गए पंचायत चुनाव में जहानाबाद के काको ब्लॉक में कुल 1466 प्रत्याशी मैदान में थे जबकि यह चुनाव 432 पदों के लिए कराया गया था ! जिसमें जिला परिषद पंचायत समिति मुखिया वार्ड सदस्य सरपंच साहब पंच के लिए करवाया गया ! यह चुनाव काको प्रखंड के 195 केंद्रों पर संपन्न करवाया गया था ! 

एक मतदाता को 6 पदों के लिए मतदान करना , जिसमें चार ईवीएम मशीन एवं दो बैलेट पेपर के माध्यम से मतदान कर रहे हैं।

 एक मतदाता को 6 पदों के लिए मतदान करना था जिसमें चार EVM मशीन तथा दो बैलेट पेपर के माध्यम से चुनाव मतदान किया गया !

ईवीएम से संबंधित मतों की गिनती के लिए प्रत्येक टेबल पर तीन एवं बैलेट के लिए चार कर्मियों की प्रतिनियुक्ति की गई ! मतगणना कक्ष के अंदर अनाधिकृत व्यक्तियों के प्रवेश पर पूर्णत: प्रतिबंध था ! गणन अभिकर्ता अनाधिकृत रूप से दूसरे टेबल से संबंधित हाल में प्रवेश नहीं करने की अनुमति थी !

बिहार के प्रथम चरण में हुए मतदान में जहानाबाद जिले के काको प्रखंड के पिंजौरा पंचायत से मुखिया प्रत्याशी के लिए श्री रामानंद प्रसाद यादव को विजेता घोषित किया गया श्री रामानंद यादव ने पूर्व मुखिया श्री हरी लाल यादव को 32 वोटों से हराया वहीं सरपंच के चुनाव में पिंजौरा पंचायत से श्री राम प्रवेश यादव को विजेता घोषित किया गया पंचायत चुनाव जीतने के बाद श्री रामानंद प्रसाद यादव के समर्थकों के द्वारा पूरे पंचायत में जुलूस की शक्ल में रैली निकाली गई ! उनके समर्थक डीजे पर डांस कर रहे थे !

जहानाबाद जिले के काको प्रखंड जिला परिषद भाग 1 से अजीत मिस्त्री 2300 वोट से विजयी घोषित किए गए हैं। । काको प्रखंड की बरावा पंचायत से सिमरन देवी, उत्तर सेर्थू पंचायत से सरोज देवी, बारा पंचायत से कुंज बिहारी एवं सैदाबाद पंचायत से अरविंद कुमार मुखिया बन गए हैं। जहानाबाद जिले के काको प्रखंड में संपन्न पंचायत चुनाव की मतगणना एसएस कालेज में हो हुई ! मतगणना स्‍थल पर सुरक्षा के पर्याप्‍त इंतजाम किए गए थे !

इस पंचायत चुनाव में पिंजौरा पंचायत के भाग 2 से पंचायत समिति के लिए विष्णु चौहान ने जीत हासिल किया ! वही मई गांव में वार्ड संख्या 6 से शिवकुमार जबकि वार्ड संख्या 7 से शीला देवी की जीत हुई ! शिवकुमार भगवान के भक्त हैं वह अपनी जीत को भगवान का आशीर्वाद मान रहे हैं !

मई ग्राम जहानाबाद जिले के काको के पिंजौरा पंचायत में स्थित है। इस गांव के लोग बेहद शांतिपूर्ण तरीके से रह रहे हैं। इस गांव का इतिहास बहुत गौरवान्वित है। कृषि इस गांव का मुख्य पेशा है। आज भी यह गांव औद्योगिक विकास का इंतजार कर रहा है। शिक्षा, पेयजल, सड़क और बिजली इस गांव की मुख्य चिंता है। युवा पीढ़ी इन दिनों मोबाइल, लैपटॉप और कंप्यूटर तकनीक की ओर अधिक आकर्षित हो रही है। यदि बैंक और वित्त संस्थान ग्रामीणों को ऋण और अन्य वित्तीय सहायता उपलब्ध करवाते हैं तो इस गांव को वास्तविक विकास दिखाई देगा। चिकित्सा और स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं में सुधार करना होगा।

पिंजौरा पंचायत के निर्वाचित मुखिया रामानंद यादव सरपंच रामप्रवेश यादव पंचायत समिति के सदस्य विष्णु चौहान शीला देवी शिवकुमार को बधाई देने वालों का तांता लगा हुआ है !

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Sunday, 26 September 2021

Establishment Rule Chapter 7: Chargesheet, penalty, suspension, revision



 The Discipline and appeal Rule Which are called "Railway Servants (Discipline And

Appeal ) Rules , 1968 " apply to all Railway servants (except casual labour , member's of All lndia Service and members of Railway Protection Force.) 

1.Appointing Authority :-

The authority empowered to make appointed to the service of which the Railway servant. 

2.Disciplinary Authority :-

The competent authority to impose penalty as per the schedule in normal course and

in case of imposing major penalties, such authority would be the Appointing Authority.

3.Suspension :-

Suspension is not a penalty. It means suspension of official activities. During

suspension period Rly. servant can be avail privilege pass also.

Que:-What are the types of penalties ? 

Minor Penalties:

1) Censure;

2) With holding of promotion for specified period.

3) Recovery from his pay ,any loss caused by him to the Rly.

a) Withholding of privilege passes or PTOs. or both.

b) Reduction to a lower stage for a period not

exceeding 3-years without cumulative effect and not affecting pension.

4) Withholding of promotion for specified period , with further direction as to whether or the expiry of such period this will or will not have effect the postponing the future

increments of his pay.

Major Penalties:-

5) Reduction to the lower stage in the time scale of pay for the specified period ,with

further direction as whether on the expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not

have the effect of postponing the future promotion.

6) Reduction to the lower time-scale of pay, grade post or service with or without further

direction regarding condition of restoration to the grade or post or service from which

the Rly. Servant was reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to the grade, post or service. 

7) Compulsory Retirement.

8) Removal from service which is not be a disqualification for future employment .

9) Dismissal from service which is disqualification for future service.

 Authority to institute proceedings:-

a) For imposing a Minor penalty (1) to (4) of rule 6 an authority competent, under

scheduled of Disciplinary powers, can imposed any of the penalties.

b) For imposition of Major penalty (5 ) to (9) of rule 6 an authority competent, under

scheduled of Disciplinary powers, can institute Disciplinary proceeding against Rly. Staff.


1) No order of imposing penalties in clauses V to IX of Rule 6 should be made without an


2) The Disciplinary Authority should chargesheet and deliver or cause to be delivered to a Rly. Servant a copy of article of charged framed against the staff, statement of imputation of misconduct or misbehavior and a list of documents and witnesses by which each article of charges is proposed to be sustained and should require the Rly. servant to submit a

written statement of his defense with in 10 days.

3) The Rly. Servant has to submit with a written statement of his defense, a list of witnesses to be examined. The authority should furnish him with a copy of each of such statement as early as possible. After receipt of written statement of Defense the Disciplinary Authority can decide with the Inquiry. It may itself inquire into such of the article of charges as or not admitted or he should appoint a Board of Inquiry or Inquiry authority. 

4) Disciplinary authority itself inquire into the article of charges or appoint a Board of

Inquiry or any other Inquiring Authority for holding an inquiry, into such charge, it may,

by order in writing, appoint a Rly. Servant who is known as Presiding officer to be

present in the case in support of articles in charge.

5) The Railway should give in writing regarding his defense's (Assistance

Rly.Employee) name. The ARE should be a Rly employee or Retired employee or official of a retired Trade employee. The ARE should not be legal practitioner . 

6) Union official can't be an ARE unless he has been worked in a Recognized Union for

atleast one year.

7) On the fixed date of inquiry, the disciplinary authority shall produce the oral and documentary evidence by which Articles of charge are proposed to be proved. 

8) The Presiding Officer shall examine the witnesses . And may be cross-examined on

behalf of Rly. Servant, for when the case of Disciplinary Authority is closed, the Rly. Servant shall be required to state his defense orally or in writing. The witnesses produced by the Rly servant shall then be examined or on behalf of him and shall be cross-examined by the Presiding Officer. 

9) The inquiry authority may, after the completion of the production of the evidence, hear the Presiding Officer, if any and the Rly. Servant, or permit them to file written briefs of their respective cases, if they so desire.

10) After the conclusion of inquiry, a report shall be prepared by the inquiry authority.

* In MAJOR PENALTIES should be imposed on Rly. Servant, it shall make an order imposing such penalty and it shall not be necessary to give the Rly. Servant any opportunity of making Representation.


(1) A Railway servant may be placed under suspension -

(a) where a disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated or is pending; or

(b) where, in the opinion of the authority competent to place a Railway servant under suspension, he has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the state; or

(c) where a case against him in respect of any criminal offence, is under investigation, inquiry or trial.

(2) A Railway servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by an order of the competent authority -

(a) with effect from the date of his detention, if he is detained in custody, whether on a criminal charge or otherwise, for a period exceeding forty-eight hours;  

(b) with effect from the date of his conviction, if in the event of a conviction for an offence, he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding forty-eight hours and is not forthwith dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired consequent to such conviction.  

Explanation - The period of forty-eight hours referred to in clause (b) of this sub-rule, shall be computed from the commencement of the imprisonment after the conviction and for this purpose,  

intermittent periods of imprisonment, if any, shall be taken into account.

(3) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a Railway servant under suspension, is set aside in appeal or on revision under these rules and the case is  

remitted for further inquiry or action or with any other directions, the order of his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force on and from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or

compulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders.

(4) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a Railway servant, is set aside or declared or rendered void in consequence of or by a decision of a court of

law and the disciplinary authority on consideration of the circumstances of the case, decides to hold a further inquiry against him on the allegations on which the penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory  

retirement, was originally imposed, the Railway servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by the competent authority from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or

compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain under suspension until further orders:

 Provided that no such further inquiry shall be ordered unless it is intended to meet a situation where the court has passed an order purely on technical grounds without going into the merits of the case.

(5) (a) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule, shall continue to

remain in force until it is modified or revoked by the authority competent to do so.

(b) Where a Railway servant is suspended or is deemed to have been suspended (whether in connection with any disciplinary proceeding or otherwise) and any other disciplinary proceeding is  commenced against him during the continuance of that suspension, the authority competent to  

place him under suspension may, for reasons to be recorded by him in writing, direct that the Railway servant shall continue to be under suspension until the termination of all or any of such proceedings.

(c) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule, may, at any time, be modified or revoked by the authority which made or is deemed to have made the order or by any authority to which that authority is subordinate.  

(6) Not with standing anything contained in sub-rule 5, an order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) of this rule shall not be valid after a period of ninety days  unless it is extended after review in the manner provided in sub-rule (7) of this rule, for a further period  before expiry of ninety days.  

(7) The review of an order of suspension shall be done by the authority which is competent to modify or revoke the suspension, on the recommendation of the review committee constituted for the purpose, and such competent authority shall pass orders either extending or revoking the suspension before expiry of ninety days from the date of order of suspension. Subsequent reviews shall be made before expiry of the extended period of suspension. Extension of suspension shall not be for a period exceeding one hundred and eighty days at a time.

STANDARD FORMSfor use in disciplinary proceeding:


*◆SF 1- Suspension*  

*◆SF 2-Deemed to be suspended*  

*◆SF 3-Demand for subsistence allowance by employee*   

*◆SF 4- Revoke*   

*◆SF 5- Charge sheet for major penalty*  

*◆SF 6-Refused to inspect/supply the documents to employee/defence council*   

*◆SF 7-Appointment of Inquiry officer*  

*◆SF 8- Appointment of presenting officer*   

*◆SF 9-Deleted*  

*◆SF 10-Common Proceedings*   

*◆SF 10A- Appointment of Inquiry officer in Common Proceedings*   

*◆SF 10B- Appointment of presenting officer in Common Proceedings*   

*◆SF 11- Charge sheet for minor penalty*   

*◆SF 11A- Convert Minor penalty to major penalty*   

*◆SF 11B- Conduct Inquiry in Minor penalty charge sheet* 

*◆SF 11C- Convert major penalty to minor penalty*   

*◆SF 12- Memorandum where action is proposed under Rule-14 (i)*   

*◆SF 13- Permission from president for action taking against the retire Rly. Employee.*   

*◆SF 14- Charge sheet for retired Railway employee....*

Appellate Authorities -

(1) A Railway servant, including a person who has ceased to be in Railway service, may prefer an appeal against all or any of the orders specified in Rule 18 to the authority specified in this behalf either in

the Schedules or, where no such authority is specified 

(i) where a penalty is imposed by a revising authority under Rule 25, to the authority to which it is immediately subordinate;  

(ii) where a penalty is enhanced, either in appeal or on revision, to the authority to which the authority making the order is immediately subordinate;

(iii) in the case of an appeal against an order specified in clause (iv) of Rule 18, relating to a rule, to the authority which appointed the appellant or the authority which made the rule to which the order under appeal relates, whichever of them may be the higher authority, and  in the case of an appeal relating to an agreement, to the authority which appointed the appellant;  

(iv) in case of an appeal against an order specified in clause (v) of Rule 18 -

(a) in respect of a Railway servant on whom the penalty of dismissal from service can be imposed only by the President, to the President; and

(b) in respect of any other Railway servant, to the authority to which the authority making the order is immediately subordinate.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1),

(i) an appeal against an order in a common proceeding held under Rule 13, shall lie to the

authority to which the authority functioning as the disciplinary authority for the purpose of that proceeding, is immediately subordinate;  

(ii) where the person who made the order appealed against becomes, by virtue of his

subsequent appointment or otherwise, the appellate authority in respect of such order, an appeal against such order shall lie to the authority to which such person is immediately  


Provided that in a case where the appellate authority is the Railway Board, the appeal shall be dealt with by any Member of the Railway Board, who has not made the order appealed  against.  

(3) A Railway servant may prefer an appeal against an order imposing any of the penalties specified in Rule 6 to the President, where no such appeal lies to him under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), if such  

penalty is imposed by any authority other than the President, on such Railway servant in respect of his activities connected with his work as an office bearer of an association, federation or union participating  in the Joint Consultation and Compulsory Arbitration Scheme.  

20. Period of limitation for appeals -

No appeal preferred under this part, shall be entertained unless such appeal is preferred within a period of forty-five days from the date on which a copy of the order appealed against, is delivered to the  appellant:  

 Provided that the appellate authority may entertain the appeal, after the expiry of the said period, if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal in time.

Revision -

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules -

(i) the President, or

(ii) the Railway Board, or

(iii) the General Manager of a Railway Administration or an authority of that status in the case of a Railway servant serving under his control, or  

(iv) the appellate authority not below the rank of a Divisional Railway Manager in cases where no appeal has been preferred, or  

(v) any other authority not below the rank of Deputy Head of Department in the case of a

Railway servant serving under his control at any time, either on his or its own motion or otherwise, call for the records of any inquiry and revise any order made under these rules or under the rules repealed by Rule 29, after consultation with the Commission, where such consultation is necessary, and may -  

(a) confirm, modify or set aside the order; or

(b) confirm, reduce, enhance or set aside the penalty imposed by the order, or impose any

penalty where no penalty has been imposed; or

(c) remit the case to the authority which made the order or to any other authority directing such authority to make such further inquiry as it may consider proper in the circumstances  of the case; or  

(d) pass such orders as it may deem fit:

Provided that -

(a) no order imposing or enhancing any penalty shall be made by any revising authority unless

the Railway servant concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a

representation against the penalty proposed;


(2) No proceeding for revision shall be commenced until after -

(i) the expiry of the period of limitation for appeal; or

(ii) the disposal of the appeal where any such appeal has been preferred:

 Provided that the provisions of this sub-rule shall not apply to the revision of punishment in case of Railway accidents.  

(3) An application for revision shall be dealt with in the same manner as if it were an appeal under these rules.  

(4) No power of revision shall be exercised under this rule -

(i) by the appellate or revising authority where it has already considered the appeal or the case and passed orders thereon; and 

(ii) by a revising authority unless it is higher than the appellate authority where an appeal has been preferred or where no appeal has been preferred and the time limit laid down for  revision by the appellate authority, has expired:  Provided that nothing contained in clauses (i) and (ii) above, shall apply to revision by the  


(5) No action under this rule shall be initiated by -

(a) an appellate authority other than the President; or

(b) the revising authorities mentioned in item (v) of sub-rule (1) -

after more than six months from the date of the order to be revised in cases where it is proposed to impose

or enhance a penalty or modify the order to the detriment of the Railway servant; or more than one year after the date of the order to be revised in cases where it is proposed to reduce or cancel the penalty  

imposed or modify the order in favour of the Railway servant:

Provided that when revision is undertaken by the Railway Board or the General Manager of a Zonal Railway or an authority of the status of a General Manager in any other Railway Unit or Administration  

when they are higher than the appellate Authority, and by the President even when he is the appellate authority, this can be done without restriction of any time limit.  

Explanation: For the purposes of this sub-rule the time limits for revision of cases shall be reckoned from the date of issue of the orders proposed to be revised. In cases where original order has been upheld  

by the appellate authority, the time limit shall be reckoned from the date of issue of the appellate orders.

25-. Review

The President may at any time either on his own motion or otherwise review any order passed under these rules when any new material or evidence which could not be produced or was not  available at the time of passing the order under review and which has the effect of changing the nature of the case has come or has been brought to his notice  Provided that no order imposing or enhancing any penalty shall be made by the President unless  the Railway servant concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a representation  against the penalty proposed or where it is proposed to impose any of the major penalties specified in  Rule 6 or to enhance the minor penalty imposed by the order sought to be reviewed to any of the major penalties and if an enquiry under Rule 9 has not already been held in the case, no such penalty shall be imposed except after inquiring in the manner laid down in Rule 9, subject to the provisions of Rule 14 and except after consultation with the Commission where such consultation is necessary.

Read this also for more information

* Indian Railways pass Rules

* Indian Railways Allowance part 2

* Indian Railways Allowance part 1 under establishment rule

* Indian Railways leave Rules under establishment

* Establishment rule: Leave ENCASHMENT LAP HLAP

Indian Railways establishment rule chapter 1

Saturday, 25 September 2021

ESTABLISHMENT Rule: Working Hour, Pass Rule


The hours of employment regulation act implemented in the year of 1956.

* These rules are not applicable to those who are governed by other act such as Factory Act, Mines Act and Merchant Shipping Act i.e. those employed in workshops or on the ferries.

* Based on Geneva & Washington Conventions sponsored by International Labour

Organization, amended, the Indian Rlys. Act.1890 in the year 1930 in order to regulate the Hours of Employment, period of rest and payment of overtime to various categories of Rly. Servants. The employees were not satisfied with the Act of 1930 and agitated and as a result

Justice Rajadhayaksha amended the Act in 1956. This effects are known as HOER.

As per HOER Rly.servants are classified as :

1) Intensive category.

2) Continuous category.

3) Essentially Intermittent and

4) Excluded category.

Intensive Category :- Section controller, Signalers, 

Telephone & Wireless Operators, Librarians.

Essentially Intermittent:- Waiting Room Bearers, Gatemen Safaiwala

ExcludedCategory :- Caretakers, of Rest houses, stenos, Matrons, Sisters, IO, Asst. Surgeons, Mid wife and supervisory staff. 


Continuous :- Clerical staff, staff of Locos, Drivers & Guards, TTE .

If Rest is suspended temporarily it can be granted within 15 days in intensive category

,other are within one month.

Chapter 5 : FACTORYES ACT -1948

This factories Act comes into effect in the year 1949.(1.4.1949). The worker in the

factory are regulates by this Act.It regulates the various obligations that an 'occupier' has to

fulfill in regard to health, safety, medical care and welfare of his workers working in a

factory. It also regulate the hours of week, minimum period of rest and leave, and make

provision of extra wages in case of there employment beyond the prescribed duty hours with Health, Welfare, Safety, Hours of Employment Leave and Overtime.

Factory:- It is a place where more than working through out the year the factory should be

registered with State Govt. and Licensee obtained .

Occupier:- It means the person who controls over the affairs of factory and in Rly. occupier is

appointed by Ministry of Rlys.

Worker :- The person employed in a factory.

Manufacturing. Operation/Process - For making, repairing, packing, oiling, washing and


Inspection :- It will be done by factory inspector appointed by the State Govt.

Health : Employer should ensure cleanliness, standard of ventilation, reasonable temp.,

sufficient light and water.

Safety :- Management, must ensure safety devices, safe working of lifts, hoists , cranes and

fencing of machinery.

House of work :- No woman will work between 7 PM to 6 A.M. in a factory. 48 hours in a

week as well as 9 hours per day be maintained.

Rest Day :- If a worker works continuously for 6 days, he is eligible for one day Rest. If the

rest was not given on 7th day, the rest can be granted on 11th Day. Rest of employees who

comes under Factory Act can be given in three day advance or three days after proper rest.

Normally the rest will be on Sundays. No woman worker should work let. 7PM to 6 A.M.

Children below 15 years is not permitted to work in factory or workshop.

Chapter 6. PASS RULES

Que:-What are the kinds of passes issuing to Rly. Employees ?

a) Duty pass.

b) Privilege pass

c) School pass 

d) Post Retirement Pass 

e) Residential Card pass 

f) Special pass.

School Passes:

School passes are to be issued to the dependant of Railway employees (each student)

on producing of a Bonafide certificate from the Recognised Institution where the student is

studying away from the Head Quarters of the Railway Servant.

The Dependant of the Railway Employees who are in receipt of stipend or merit

scholarships will not be admissible for school passes, if they are above 21 years.

Passes are issued to students between the place where the parent is residing to school /college and back during when recognised vacations, provided the vacation period is not less than 3 consecutive days and also during the closer of the institutions due to unforeseen circumstances.

Three full sets or 6 half sets of passes are eligible in a Calendar year. The passes

issued should be debited under the heading "On School Account". A parent or guarding may

be included in school pass in which a girl student of any age or a boy under the age of 15

years, but not above 18 years age. For return journey for parents or guardian or paid Nurse to

the station from which journey is commenced, a separate pass may be issued in the class,

which is eligible. If guardian be an attendant only II pass to be issued.

 Class of Privilege Pass :-

1) Group A & B gazetted - 1st class A.

2) Non gazetted group B & C

 Post Retirement Privilege Pass :-

1) For Gazetted Staff :- Group A & B.

Between 20-to 25 Years -2 sets of passes per years.

More than 25 years -3 sets per year.

2) For Group C :-

 Less than 20-yr. service -1 set of pass.

More than 25 yr. service - 2 set of pass

For self-wife and children only.

3) For class IV (Group D ) :-

 Not less than 25 yr. service -1 set per year.

Complimentary passes-

This pass would be issued to the widow of Rly. servant who was / is in service on or

after 12.3.1987 are eligible and also eligible complimentary pass. Only one pass for every

two years.

Que.:- What are the special passes ?

a) On Medical ground.

b) On sports account.

c) For scouting activities.

d) For attending courts.

e) Physical handicapped persons.

f) Staff of Rly Co-op. Societies /banks.

g) Pass to attend S.B.F. Meetings.

h) Passes to Rly Staff under suspension.

Passes to handicapped servants.

1) If suppose one blind Rly. Servant travels alone, one attendant in the same class should

be allowed.

2) Wheel chair and tricycles be allowed on privilege pass.

Physically handicapped servants are eligible for first class pass for the following

conditions with one escorts that should be recommended by DMO

1) Not having one or two hand.

2) Not having one leg above or below the knee levels.

3) Not having both the legs and using artificial legs.

4) Lost function of legs and has to walk with support of hands 


Physically handicapped Rly. Servant after getting recommendation of Head of the

Orthopedics Dept. of Rly or Govt. hospitals to those orthopedically handicapped person if

40% or 50% permanent partial disability of either upper or lower limbs or upper or both

lower limbs together will get Rs100/- Allow./ Ex.. or 5% of the basic pay . Also above said

staff are eligible for FRC.

Passes to Staff of Rly. Co-operative Societies bank and SBF.

Up to two years - NIL.

Upto 20 years - One set.

More than 20 years - Two sets.

Passes of Rly Saff (Under Suspension):- Passes are eligible to Rly. staff who are

under suspension. Licensed porters working in Rly. station may be granted one

complimentary cheque pass for self-only.

Click here to read more news

* Establishment rule chapter 1

* Establishment rule chapter 2: Leave Rules

* How to sell earn leave LAP/HLAP

* Establishment rule chapter 3: Allowance part 1

* Railway Allowance part 2

Friday, 24 September 2021


                   Chapter 3. Allowance Part 2

HOUSE RENT Allowance

HRA is paid for a Railway employee who doesn’t have Government accommodation facility.

It is paid with respect to the headquarters of the employee without connection with the actual place of stay.

For the purpose of HRA cities are classified based on population as follows:


Population Class Rate of HRA

50 Lakhs and above X 27 %

5-50 Lakhs Y 18 % 

Below 5 Lakhs Z 9 %

* According to 7th CPC When the rate of dearness allowance is 25%, the house rent allowance automatically increased to 9%, 18% and 27%.

 just like that rate of dearness allowance will 50%, the house rent allowance will automatically increase to 10%  20% and 30%.

There is no need to produce rent certificate.

For those whom Railway Accommodation is specifically earmarked or whose occupation of quarters is essential for easy accessibility during emergencies etc. will not be be paid HRA even if they surrender or do not occupy it.

In case of temporary transfer HRA with respect to the old headquarters will be paid. On expiry of 180 days or when transfer becomes permanent HRA will be paid as per the new station.

Railway employees who are eligible for quarters but who (i) do not submit application (ii) apply but refuse to accept allotment or (iii) after accepting surrender quarters may be paid HRA if otherwise eligible.

Composite Transfer ALLOWANCE

A Railway servant will be entitled to Composite Transfer on Transfer/Retirement, subject to the following conditions:-

* Composite Transfer Grant will not be admissible if there is no change in the residence of the Railway servant, as a result of transfer.

* Composite Transfer Grant will not be admissible in case of a temporary transfer not exceeding 180 days.

* Composite Transfer Grant will not be admissible if the transfer has been ordered at the request of a Railway employee.

* In the absence of any positive mention in the orders of transfer that the transfer is at the request of the employee or that it is for a period less that 180 days, the transfer orders should be deemed to carry the sanction of the competent authority for payment of Composite Transfer Grant.

* The facility of using Railway Labour for packing household kit on transfer, is not permissible.

* The payment of Composite Transfer Grant need not be linked with the vacation of Railway Accommodation provided at the old headquarters. 

* Composite Transfer Grant to RPF personnel for their transfer from one barrack to another barrack where they do not reside with their family is not admissible as no change in residence is involved. 

* For the purpose of calculating Composite Transfer Grant in case of promotional transfer, the pay of the post held by the Railway servant at the old Headquarter before his transfer will be taken into account. 

Quantum of Composite Transfer Grant

* Incase of Transfer involving change of station located at a distance of more than 20 kms from each other CTG will be calculated as follows:

Officers in HAG+ and above:-

One month Pay in Pay Band

All other Railway employees:-

One month Pay in Pay Band + Grade Pay

* Only one Transfer Grant is permissible in case of transfer of husband and wife within 6 months from same place to same place.

* In case where transfer takes place after 6 months of transfer of spouse 50% of Transfer Grant shall be allowed to spouse transferred later.

* For short distance transfers after retirement within the same station or to an outstation within 20 Kms., where transportation of personal effect is generally carried out by road, CTG may be granted at 1/3rd of Basic Pay on production of documentary proof of change of residence. 

* In case of transfer of Railway servants to stations which are at a distance of less than 20Kms from the old station and of transfer within the same city, one-third of the Composite Transfer Grant will be admissible, provided a change of residence is actually involved

​Composite Transfer Grant(CTG) on Retirement

* To settle down at places other than the last station of duty located at a distance of more than 20 km as that for CTG on transfer.

* Retiring Railway servants, who settle at the last station of posting itself or within a distance of less than 20 kms, they may be paid one-third of the Composite Transfer Grant subject to the condition that a change of residence is actually involved. 

* In case of retirement of a Railway servant, no claim for Composite Transfer Grant will be entertained until and unless the retired Railway employee vacates the railway accommodation allotted to him.

* Composite Transfer Grant will, however, be payable if the retired Railway servant prefers to live away from his family members in whose name the Railway accommodation has been regularized. In such cases, the retired Railway Servant is required to submit documentary proof of his having changed the residence.

* Claim for full settlement of Composite Transfer Grant may be entertained and paid along with the settlement dues at the time of payment of settlement dues on the date following the date of superannuation , if the retiring Railway employee has already transported his personal effects finally and has submitted the necessary documentary proof therefore.

Composite Transfer Grant(CTG) on death of a Railway employee while in service

* GMs/AGMs can sanction Composite Transfer Grant in the event of death of a railway employee while still in service and where the family of the deceased has been permitted to retain the Railway Accommodation for a period of 2-1/2 years. These powers will be exercised by GMs/AGMs personally with the approval of FA&CAO. 

Night Duty Allowance

* As per the new rule of the Centre from 1 July 2017 one's Night Duty Allowance is calculated as [{Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance (DA)}/200. This calculation is implemented in all central government offices and ministries. Earlier, Night Duty Allowance was equal for all employees of the same grade pay. 

* The Central government is considering changing the rules of Night Duty Allowance. Changes in the rules will benefit railway employees working at night. The rules are related to preventing night duty allowance for railway employees whose basic salary is more than Rs 43,600.

Transportation Allowance (TPTA)

According to the accepted recommendations of the 7th pay commission, the percentage of Dearness Allowance is also calcualted on the Transport Allowance and provide both the elements as Transport Allowance. So, the Transport Allowance enhanced from July 2021 as given below:

Pay Matrix Level 1 and 2

  • Other Cities: 900 + DA
  • TPTA Cities: 1350 + DA

Pay Matrix Level 3 and 8

  • Other Cities: 1800 + DA
  • TPTA Cities: 3600 + DA

Pay Matrix Level 9 & above

  • Other Cities: 3600 + DA
  • TPTA Cities: 7200 + DA

Thursday, 23 September 2021


       Chapter 3.      ALLOWANCE Part 1

Some of the Allowances admissible for Indian Railway employees are given below:

1. City Compensatory Allowance.

2. Daily Allowance along with Mileage Allowance for local journey beyond 8 km.

3. Daily Allowance (Popularly known as TA).

4. Dearness Allowance.

5. House Rent Allowance (HRA).

6. Journey on Transfer and Composite Transfer Grant.

7. Mileage Allowance.

8. Night Duty Allowance.

9. Training Allowance.

10. Transport Allowance (TPA)

11. Fixed Conveyance Allowance.

12. Conveyance Allowance to Doctors.

13. Uniform Allowance.

14. Out of turn Allowance.

15. Compensation in lieu of Holidays.

16. Special Compensatory (Tribal/Scheduled Area) Allowances.

17. Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowances.

18. Bad Climate Allowance.

19. Remote Locality Allowance(Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura).

20. NPA to Railway Doctors.

21. Ration money in lieu of Ration subsidy.

22. Washing Allowance.

23. Special Allowance to Railway School Teachers.

24. Special Allowance for Child care for women with disabilities and Educational Allowance for disabled children of Railway employees.

25. Border Area Allowance.

26. Constant Attendance Allowance.

27. Overtime Allowance (OTA).

28. Railway Board Tenure Allowance.

29. Constant Attendance Allowance.

What is City Compensatory Allowance?

In simple words, City Compensatory Allowance or CCA is an allowance provided by companies, (public sector or private sector), to its employees to compensate for the higher cost of living in metropolitan or Tier-1 cities. In some cases, CCA is also offered for employees working in Tier-2 cities as well.

City Compensatory Allowance is offered as per the discretion of the employer. CCA is computed as per the pay scale and grade of an employee and not as per the basic salary. Thus it differs between cities. For instance, an employee working in Mumbai would receive higher a CCA as compared to someone working in Delhi. There is no upper or lower ceiling for CCA and for all taxation purpose, CCA is fully taxable if the amount exceeds Rs. 900/-

Daily Allowance

* Admissible on transfer.

* Admissible to family of Railway servant who dies while in service.

* Re-employed person may also be granted Daily Allowance.

* For long tours it may be given in advance.

Daily Allowance as per Pay Level in Pay Matrix

for Level 14 and above :-

Reimbursement for accommodation in hotel/guest house of up to Rs. 7,500 per day,

Reimbursement of AC taxi expense as per actual expenditure commensurate with official engagements for travel within the city and Reimbursement of food bills not surpassing Rs. 1,200 per day.

For level 12 and 13 :-

Reimbursement for accommodation in hotel/guest house of up to 4,5001 per day,

Reimbursement of AC taxi expense of up to 50 km per day for travel within the city,

Reimbursement of food bills not surpassing Rs. 1000 per day.

For level 9 to 11:-

Reimbursement for accommodation in hotel/guest house of up to Rs. 2,250 per day,

Reimbursement of non-AC taxi expense of up to Rs. 338 per day for travel within the city,

Reimbursement of food bills not surpassing Rs. 900 per day.

For level 6 to 8 :-

Reimbursement for accommodation in hotel/guest house of up to Rs. 750 per day,

Reimbursement of non-AC taxi expense of up to Rs. 225 per day for travel within the city,

Reimbursement of food bills not surpassing Rs. 800 per day.

For level 5 and below :-

Reimbursement for accommodation in hotel/guest house of up to Rs. 450 per day,

Reimbursement of non-AC taxi expense of up to Rs. 113 per day for travel within the city,

Reimbursement of food bills not surpassing Rs. 500 per day.

Daily Allowance (TA- Traveling allowance )

 Known as TA among Railway employees. (TA is rarely paid as most of the official duties are performed by Train).

Daily Allowance is paid for official journey beyond 8 km from headquarters.

It is paid based on duration of absence from headquarters in the following scale:

Absense from headquarters

 * Not exceeding 6 hours-    30%

* Above 6 hours and upto 12 hours- 70%

* Above 12 hours-  100% .

4. DEARNESS Allowance

DA is granted to Railway employees to offset inflation and rising cost of living and inflation.

Basis for DA calculation is All India consumer price index.

DA revision is done to neutralize inflation 100%.

Government will sanction DA on the first of January and on the first of July every year if it is due as per the calculation.

DA is granted to Railway employees to offset inflation and rising cost of living and inflation.

Basis for DA calculation is All India consumer price index.

DA revision is done to neutralize inflation 100%.

Government will sanction DA on the first of January and on the first of July every year if it is due as per the calculation.

After 18 months, the government added 11% DA and gave it to the employees.

# Read this also for know more

* Leave ENCASHMENT RULE of Indian Railways

* Railway establishment rule chapter 1

* Railway establishment rule chapter 2 : Leave Rules

* Road learning of loco pilot

* Swachhta pakhawada in Railways